Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My first visit to Leicester--What a story!!

I wanted to visit my university before my studies started to get a feel for the directors, professors, and student body in general. Oh how it was nice to be back in the UK!!

I arrived in London around noon and then traveled about 3 hours north to get to Leicester. It was surreal to be back in the Stansted airport--whoa!
I arrived, a nice bus driver brought me to the center of the city so that I could take the bus to my hotel. Then I got to my hotel, met a nice older British woman who had a lot to say about the government and her pension. We ate burgers together for supper. I never got her name...

The next day was the day to tour the university. Of course, it rained the day I had to walk around Leicester and I didn't have boots (which I still need to buy...). But, I was warm with my newly bought blue sweater =)

Anyway, I got on a bus and headed for the center of town. I asked the bus driver where to go/which bus to take in order to get to the campus.
-He asked which university of Leicester.
-What? There's only one.
-But, which one do you have to go to?
-University of Leicester.
-Then you go down that way.

WELL, he pointed me in the completely opposite direction. Luckily a nice couple on the bus overheard this conversation and told me he was wrong and to follow them. I did and I am very thankful for them! I got off with them and waited for the new bus. They took the same bus as me and asked that bus driver to announce when I was to get off. Then they bid me farewell and got off at the train station. They were so nice!!

I arrived at the university and was a bit lost. I was on the campus, in the archaeology area, thinking museums studies can't be far. I asked a nice older gentleman smoking a pipe and wearing a sweater vest. So British! I asked him where to go and a small adventure began.

This man, a physics teacher, and a well-known character on campus (I now know why) told me to follow him. He was fantastic. We went into his building and he told me how they moved Museum Studies and his was sure it was near Education. Okay. (By the way, the whole time we're walking he has a slight limp and I was just picturing him telling war stories!) So we get to his office and about 3 people help us locate the Museum Studies building. The printed maps are out of date. The professor complains about them not having their act together and he asks if they sent me a map--well no but that's because I haven't received my packet--I just reply "No." That upsets him. Then we find out on the internet and we set off again in the drizzle in the right direction.

He then explains he had surgery on his leg and that's why he's limping (kills my imagination). I tell him about how the bus driver tried to point me in the opposite direction. He informs me that people in Leicester like to think of the other university, De Montfort, as the university of Leicester, which is just absurd in his opinion, and I have to agree. He takes me to the road and points where I'm supposed to go. I thank him very much and I head off to find the building. As usual I took a turn too soon, but no worries I found it!

I met with Dan and Katy who I have been speaking with for over a year about the course. They were very nice and shared tea with me as they explained the basics. Katy showed me the library, where I got a daily pass and started reading some of the material. I ate a broccoli soup there, which was perfect fit for the dreary weather. I browsed the book store and was successful in finding a sweatshirt. My first university sweatshirt. It looks nice with my comfy Webster pants.

I then leave, but before I leave campus, I stop in to say bye to Dan and Katy and let them know I enjoyed the reading material. They suggested I visit a small museum on my way back. Bob joked about how in the animal exhibit they brought in a giraffe, but the animal was too tall for the room. So they just cut off the head and placed it in the back of all the other African animals, hoping no one would notice. Hahahaha I had to check this out. It was a nice little museum (free =D) and I only got to see part of it. I missed the space part that was upstairs.

I returned to the hotel, grabbed my belongings, said goodbye to the worker and then walked out just as it was pouring. Perfect. I waited about 15-20 mins for the bus. Not fun. But I made it back to the center of the city and waited many hours (2 were in this kebab/pizza/fried chicken place right next to a club. The drunk people visited it after dancing. There was a cute guy working there and when I finally ordered chips, to be polite, he handed me a spoon to help me eat it and did he have the CUTEST smile ever) until my National Express came. I returned to London about 3 or 4 am and then I waited for my plane at 7am. Quite a long day, I must admit.

My room in the hotel

Fun with Vienna Friends

Monday, November 15, 2010


Ahhh Croatia! Another stamp to the passport =) So, I decided to visit the capital of the Croatian country and I have to say I would love to visit it again! Next time, though, I'm going to the beach!

Okay, so a trip to Croatia was needed near the end of August/early September. I spent almost, but not quite 3 hours in Zagreb. But, I managed to grab presents for loved ones, take pictures, spill chocolate on my pants, and learn a bit about the city from a nice woman at the market stand.

Just as a warning, I didn't visit the tourist center as I was only there for 3 hours, or less than, rather. So, I just started walking and made little mental notes of in which direction I was going in order to find my way back to the train station. Yes, that's right. I was without a map. Proud of me!! Therefore, with no map or general idea of the city, I took many pictures of many sights/buildings and I am unable to tell you what they were. Maybe later, I'll look them up. We'll see. Enjoy the photos for now!

This is where I ate my picnic lunch.

Stumbled upon this while following people. Soon after I discovered souvenir shops. Spent some time and money in those...

I liked the ceiling--it reminded me of the stars.

Followed people and noise and found a market! Fantastic little gadgets and carvings of beautiful wood. Spent time and money here too =)

Neighborhood football game!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Museum Time!!!

So, right before I left, I decided to visit some museums. I visited the Kunsthistorisches Museum and the Belvedere. I didn't want to see the national history one, since in my opinion, few could compare with Chicago's Field Museum.

First to be displayed: Kunsthistorisches Museum---that name gave me soooo much trouble!

This is not the Kunsthistoriches Museum--rather it's the Natural History Museum--the Kunst is located across from this (I'm actually sitting on the steps of the Kunst.)

This artist was replicating a famous painting and doing a good job of it, too!

The famous picture of Babylon.

Cool, fun art at the top of the museum--reminds me of my room =)

This museum also housed one of the largest coin collections in the world--this is for Tom Serfass!

In the Egyptian section, they had this, an original notebook of Champollion's work to decipher hieroglyphics, which I thought was pretty cool.

Many, many sarcophagi!!

Me, eating my lunch on the Kunsthistoriches' steps.

And now the Belvedere:
Here, they house such works by Monet and the famous Austrian, Gustav Klimt. I got to see the original painting: The Kiss--quite impressive! However, I couldn't take pictures inside, so here are pictures of the grounds.